Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advice for next semester!

My advise for next semester is to follow instructions! A few times when I did the homework I wouldn't follow the directions fully, so I got a few points off.  Make sure you read every step that way you won't miss any details!!!

Favorite Websites

Our class had very interesting and creative websites; however, these are a few of my favorites...

  • Katy Silva-This website was extremely artistic.  I can definitely see Katy's personality throughout the website.  I really enjoyed the backgrounds.  She had a very nice navbar.  My favorite page on her website was her portfolio.  She is very creative and will go very far in life.
  • Taylor Watkin-Her website was very interesting.  I really enjoyed her pictures.  They were very clear and made her pages very interesting.  I loved her travel pages! She did a really good job!
  • Marianna Becerra-She also had a very good website.  Her website was about Latino Exchange so it was very informative.  I really enjoyed the pictures page.  This looks like a very fun club to be a part of!